Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Technology in the classroom

Ok, so I have REALLY dropped the ball on my Metronet responsibilities as of late but I did want to blog about my lesson this week.
We're spending block day this week analyzing music of World War I. It's so great to have my laptop/LCD player and my ipod for this lesson. I can play the music, project the lyrics on the screen and it is a very interactive way for students to get involved in the lesson. I feel it's one of my better lessons I've done this year. The kids seem to be very involved and it makes it a fun day. Yay for technology!

Friday, April 3, 2009

FB update

I'm sure this will come as no surprise to those of you who have had facebook accounts for awhile....but I'm loving it. I've been in contact with several people that I haven't seen or talked with in 20 years! Very cool idea!