Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wordle plan for my E.L.L. class

I've made a lesson plan to incorporate the wordle website into my lesson plan for Monday. I teach one section of World History to an all E.L.L. (English Language Learners) class. Many are struggling to learn to write and even speak in English. On Monday, they are composing paragraphs to wrap up a Social Studies unit we've been studying about Islamic Empires.

After students write paragraphs summarizing important facts about two Islamic Empires, I'm having them cut and paste their paragraphs into the Wordle site and then print them. We'll talk about which words they see appearing in their word clouds and why they appear prominently (which I understand is all about the frequency of certain words in the text they entered). My hope is that this will be a fun way to talk about improving their writing skills. I'll keep you all posted how things go after Monday's lesson.


Sarah Rother said...

What a cool idea! I can't wait to hear how this all goes. I love the use with ELL students. I think it will be a powerful tool!

Lindgren's Blog said...

Wordle update:

Today I did the lesson with the ELL class using wordle. At first, most students didn't "get it". But after they cut and pasted a few paragraphs, many seemed to understand why certain words were more prominent in the word clouds. Others just liked the designs.

Today I'm making a wall collage of the word clouds they made...they're really cool.

Karen said...

This sounds like it was a great idea -- thanks for sharing!