Alright, I must admit I can't think of a reason why I need one yet but I went ahead and read about wikis and then I created one today. I inivited a couple of friends to share how they find wikis useful and to give me ideas for use in my own work or personal life.
Right now, I feel that wikis are just another blog. If I have a blog, why do I also need a wiki? But I have faith that an idea will come to me for wiki use with my students and it will be inspirational.
I'm curious why I couldn't figure out how to add my wiki to my Rss reader on Google. Anyone out there have any thoughts on that?
I don't know if anyone is still reading but I have FINALLY done something
MILI successfully in my classroom. Students used Glogster to enhance a
personal p...
If you go to "Settings" you'll see "Notifications & RSS" in the left-hand column. It defaults to have RSS available, but if you click on "learn more" you'll see how to add feeds to your reader. Bascially, click on the RSS icon that is in your address bar, and it will give you a list of options for the type of feed you want (recent changes, one particular page, etc.) Hope that helps!
ok, thanks Karen, I'll give that a try.
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